Coelogyne alvinlokii P.O'Byrne & J.J.Verm. 2006 SECTION Longifoliae Pfitzer

Another Angle Photos By Peter O'Byrne ©.

Deep Shade Hot Summer Fall

Common Name Alvin Loki's Coelogyne [Singapore Original Grower of type species]

Flower Size .8 to .9" [2 to 2.3 cm]

Found in Mindanao Philippines as a medium sized, warm growing epiphyte with clustered, cylindrical to narrowly pyriform, 4 angled, sulcate with age pseudobulbs carrying 2 terminal, elliptic to obovate, plicate, 7 nerved, gradually narrowing below into the petiolate base leaves that blooms in the summer through fall on an arching, 8 to 12" [20 to 30 cm] long, to 20 flowered inflorescence arising on a newly emerging growth with a persistent floral bract and successively opening flowers.

Text below By Vermuellen & O'Byrne

Similar to C billamellata and often confused with it, this species is a larger plant and slightly larger, mostly brown flowers with high keels that arise in the middle of the lip with a free-standing acute apex that overhangs the mid-lobe base, the triangular side lobes with an acute, incurved apex, and the spathulate midlobe. Coelogyne bilamellata has white to yellow-brown flowers, low keels that arise at the lip base and have a truncate apex, shorter oblong side lobes, and an elliptic to obovate mid-lobe.


References IPNI ; *Orchid Rev. 114(1269): 170 (168-170; figs.)May 2006; Philippine Native Orchid Species Cootes 2011 photo fide; Les Coelogynes E & J George 2011 photo fide;