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Base de données Historique Bibliographie Herbiers
Registre International Nomenclature Associations Botanique
  • G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  •  G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  •  G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  • G. x oxonianum
  •  G. x oxonianum
  • G. yesoense Savat.var.nipponicum Nakai
  • G. yesoense forma ochroleucum Okuyama
  • G. x oxonianum
  • G. wlassovianum
  • G. wallichianum
  • G. x magnificum
  • G. x riversleaianum
  • G. nodosum
  • G. cinereum
  • G. collinum coll. Tien Shan
  • G. phaeum
  • G. ibericum
  • G. phaeum
  • G. sylvaticum
  • G. collinum coll. Tien Shan 02
  • Nouveau morceau de diaporama
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Base de données des géraniums vivaces
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maculatum (Linnee)

Description horticole :

D. Evrard 1997: Fleurs: 3cm,  blanches, roses ou bleutées, mais toujours avec un délicat dégradé de couleur. Elles sont portées par des tiges raides de 70cm de haut, bien au dessus du feuillage; avril à juin surtout, plus parcimonieusement le reste de l’été,
Feuilles: belles et grandes feuilles  (20cm) découpées en 5 à 7 divisions.
Utilisation: soleil , mi-ombre, Massif,  Jardin sauvage, , idéale pour les endroit humides.

Description botanique :

Herbs perennial, 18-70 cm tall. Rootstock 8-12 mm diam., horizontal, not tuberculate, not or retrorse, eglandular hairs 0.3-0.6 mm long, and sometimes, patent, landular hairs 1.5-1.7 mm long. Basal leaves in a persistent rosette; lamina 5-11.5 x 7-14.5 cm, polygonal in outline, cordate, palmatifid (divided for 0.74-0.83 of its length), pilose, with appressed, eglandular hairs; segments 5, rhombic, 5-12 mm at the base, (8-)10-20-lobed in distal half (ratio mainsinus length of the middle segment / middlesegment length = 0.1-0.21); cauline leaves opposite; petioles to 33 cm long, with patent to retrorse, eglandular hairs 0.5-0.6 mm long, and sometimes patent, glandular hairs 1.1-1.5 mm long; stipules 8-13 x 1-2 mm, linear-lanceolate, with glandular and eglandular hairs on abaxial surface and on the margin, glabrous adaxially. Inflorescence dichasial cyme; cymules 2-flowered, solitary or in aggregates at the top of each branch; peduncles (0-)2-9 cm long, with patent to retrorse, eglandular hairs 0.2-0.9 mm long, rarely with glandular hairs ca. 1.5 mm long; bracteoles 4-5 x 1 mm, linear-lanceolate, with eglandular and glandular hairs on abaxial surface and on the margin, glabrous adaxially; pedicels 1-3.1 cm long, with patent to retrorse, eglandular hairs 0.2-0.9 mm long; pedicel and peduncle together often overtopping the subtending  leaf. Sepals 6-9 x 3-4 mm (ratio pedicel length / sepal length = 1.4-4.6), smooth, not accrescent, 3-5-nerved, with mucro 1.5-3 mm long, with scarious margins 0.1-0.2 mm wide, with antrorse, appressed eglandular hairs 0.2-0.6 mm long and patent, glandular hairs 0.9-1.2 mm long on the abaxial side, glabrous adaxially. Petals 12-16 x 8.5-12 mm (ratio petal length / petal width = 1.3-1.4), erect-patent, entire, without claw, glabrous on both sides, ciliate on the basal margin, purplish, sometimes white. Stamens 10, both whorls bearing anthers; filaments 8-9 mm long, not exserted, lanceolate, pilose on the abaxial side, ciliate on the proximal half, with hairs 0.6 mm long; anthers 2 x 1mm. Nectaries with a tuft of hairs at the top, dorsally
glabrous. Gynoecium 11-12 mm long. Fruit 27-33 mm long, erect when immature; mericarps 3.5-4 x 2-2.5 mm, without a strand of fibres, smooth, without longitudinal rib, without basal beak, with a basal callus, with ± patent, eglandular hairs 0.2-0.6 mm long, and glandular 1.1-1.7 mm long, brownish; rostrum 17-31 mm long, with a narrowed apex 5-7 mm long, with erect-patent, eglandular hairs ca. 0.1 mm long; stigmatic remains 2-2.5 mm long (ratio fruit length / stigmatic remains length = 13-16), with 5 glabrous lobes. Seeds 2.5 x 1.8 mm, reticulate, brownish; hilum 1/4 as long as the perimeter. Cotyledons entire. n = 26.
Flowering March-July (exceptionally September). Woods, sometimes meadows or roadsides; 0-950 m. Eastern Canada, and North Central, Northeastern and Southeastern U.S.A

Geranium maculatum is readily distinguished from all other species treated here by the combination of the following three characters: long petals glabrous on the adaxial surface, pedicels only with eglandular hairs, and nectaries with a tuft of hairs at the top. This species shows long glandular hairs ending in a usually reddish narrow cell. These hairs are always present on sepals and mericarp apex, usually on stipules and bracteoles, and exceptionally on petioles and peduncles. Geranium maculatum is similar to G. erianthum, G. sylvaticum, and G. oreganum by virtue of its glabrous petals on the adaxial surface, but differs most obviously from G. erianthum and G. sylvaticum by its nectaries with a tuft of hairs at the top, and from G. oreganum by its eglandular pedicels. According to JONES & JONES (1943: 13) G. maculatum is the most common perennial species of eastern North America. It seems to be geographically isolated from G. oreganum, and G. erianthum, both growing in western North America.

Notes :

Maculatum en référence à la tache vert clairqui parfois marque le limbe des feuilles.

G. maculatum 'Spring Purple' 01.jpg

G. maculatum 'Spring Purple' 02.jpg

G. maculatum 'Album' (D. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Album' 01 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Album' 02 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Elizabeth Ann' - 'Espresso' (Dr. Evrard).JPG

G. maculatum 'Elizabeth Ann' 01 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Elizabeth Ann' 02 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Elizabeth Ann' 03 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Elizabeth Ann' 04 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Elizabeth Ann' 05 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Elizabeth Ann' 07 D. Evrard .JPG

G. maculatum 'Espresso' (Dr. Evrard).JPG

G. maculatum 'Espresso' 01 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Espresso' 02 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Espresso' 03 (Dr Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Espresso' 04 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Jean Poligne' (Dr. Evrard) .jpg

G. maculatum 'Kath Dryden' 01 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Kath Dryden' 02 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Kath Dryden' 03 (Dr. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Shameface (D. Evrard).jpg

G. maculatum 'Shamface' 01.jpg

G. maculatum 'Spring Purple' 01.jpg

G. maculatum 'Spring Purple' 02.jpg

G. maculatum 'Spring Purple' 03 (D. Evrard).JPG

G. maculatum 'Spring Purple' 04 (D. Evrard).JPG

G. maculatum 'Spring Purple' 05 D. Evrard.jpg

G. maculatum 'Spring Purple' 06 D. Evrard.JPG

G. maculatum 'Vickie Lynn' 02 (D. Evrard).JPG

G. maculatum 'Vickie Lynn' 03 (D. Evrard).JPG

G. maculatum forme roseum (D. Evrard).jpg

G. trilophum var. maculatum Bornm. (Type Mnhn Paris).jpg

Geranium maculatum 'Beth Chatto' 01 (D. Evrard) .JPG

Geranium maculatum 'Beth Chatto' 02 (D. Evrard).JPG

Geranium maculatum 'Beth Chatto' 03 (D. Evrard).JPG

Geranium maculatum 'Smoky Mountain' 01 D. Evrard 2.jpg

Geranium maculatum 'Vickie Lynn' 01 (D. Evrard).JPG
Protologue / première publication :Sp. Pl., p.681 (1753).
Groupe :maculatum
Sous genre :Geranium L.
Section :Geranium L.
Existence dans la collection :x
Distribution géographique :

Canada: Quebec, District de Columbia.(Marais & bois humides.).

USA: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgie, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiane, Maine, Manitoba, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Maryland, Mississipi, Missouri, Caroline du Nord, Nord Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New-Jersey, New-York, Ohio ,Oklahoma, Ontari, Pennsylvanie Rhodes-Island, Sud-Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginie, Wisconsin, Ouest-Virginie.

Synonyme :

G. maculatum var. albiflorum Raf.
G. maculatum var. diphyllum Raf.
G. maculatum var. humile Raf.
G. maculatum var. macrophyllum Raf.
G. maculatum var. viride Raf.
G. maculatum var. album H.M. Myers
G. maculatum var. parviflora N. Coleman
G. maculatum var. plenum Lauman

Bibliographie personnelle :

G/D0005: Dictionnaire pratique d'Horticulture et de jardinage Tome II- Nicholson G.- , , tome II, 1893-1894, 483-485.

G/F0004: The New Brittan & Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern U.S. & adjacent Canada.- Gleason Henri A.- , 1968.

G/M0001: Yeo Peter F. Hardy Geraniums,. Croom Helm, Londres. 1985 (ISBN: 0-7099-2907-2)

G/M0002: Bath Trevor & Jones Joy The gardener's guide to growing hardy geraniums,. David & Charles, Newton Abbot. 1994(ISBN: 0-7153-0014-8)

G/M0003: Hibberd David Hardy geraniums,. Royal Horticultural Society, Londres. 1994(ISBN: 0-304-32061-7)

G/F0049: Aedo, C. (2001). The genus Geranium L. (Geraniaceae) in North America. II. Perennial species. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 59(1): 3-65.

G/A0098: Jim Ellis, Geranium maculatum in habitat, Geraniaceae group news 98, autumn 2005

Base de données - Historique - Bibliographie - Herbiers - Registre International - Nomenclature - Associations - Botanique - Newsletter
réalisation LALIA 2009