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Bambusa tuldoides 'ventricosa kimmei'

Bambusa tuldoides 'ventricosa kimmei' is a variegated form of Bambusa tuldoides 'ventricosa' which is all green. In Bambusa tuldoides 'ventricosa kimmei' there are variegated leaves and the canes have patterns of dark green strips that stay dark green alternating with sections that start as light green and fade to a gold. The color transition is hastened if the canes are exposed to direct sunlight.

Aside from the variegation and striping of the canes, this material (Variegated Buddha Belly Bamboo) is more or less the same as the green form of this material (Buddha Belly Bamboo). In both varieties it is commonly held that if the specimen is kept in a pot and underwatered then it is more likely to produce new canes that will exhibit the buddha effect. The buddha effect is characterized by bamboo canes growing in a pattern with swollen internodes, much like shown in Figure 1 on this webpage. When Buddha Belly Bamboo exhibits the buddha effect it does not grow very fast or very tall, perhaps obtaining a 7' typical height and a 12 - 15 feet maximum height. If the material reverts to normal form it is a large timber bamboo and can produce canes that are about 55' tall and 2.25" in diameter. In the straight form, the canes have a characteristic zig-zag kink in their growth pattern. Both variegated and green Buddha Belly Bamboos produce dense high quality wood.

Many people like to keep this kind of plant as either an indoor or outdoor container plant. If kept indoors, find a location that gets a lot of direct sunlight.


Exhibit caution wtih small specimens of these plants in the winter. This kind of bamboo is hearty for our local low temperatures, but only once established. Very small plants of this kind should be taken inside for the winter and given several hours of direct sunlight per day. If you are ready to plant outside then get a #5 or larger pot. If you want to watch your plant in a small pot on the windowsill for a winter or two, then get a #1 sized pot.

Figure 1. An image of Bambusa tuldoides 'ventricosa kimmei' growing in a pot in Davis.

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