Fall foliage report for Mt. Kurodake

*Autumn leaves season starts!

From the northeast face of Mt.Kurodake to Kumonodaira
“Sorbus matsumurana (Makino) Koehne ” strated to turn to red.
We still find the green leaves.
Autumn leaves season starts!

In a few days “around Kurodake isishimuro”
Early morning’s temperature is 0~3 ℃.

From top of Mt.kurodake to Mt.Ponkurodake .
Arctous alpina var. japonica is the best time to see.
It is like red carpet.
It is very beautiful.
  • The leaves have turned.

  • Arctous alpinus var. japonica : It is peak viewing season.

Fall foliage report for Mt. Aka

Trail information

Now Dai ichi kaen has about 41m long snow.
The snow face is very hard and for hikers it is very difficult to walk on.
Please be careful.

About autumn leaves in Mt. Akadake
We found some part of turned to red .
And from the top of Mt Akadake to Komakusa taira we found Sorbus matsumurana (Makino) Koehne turned to red mostly.
We think that coloring leaves is starting day by day from now.

About autumn leaves
Daiichi kaen some of Sorbus matsumurana (Makino) Koehne turning to red
Daini kaen no change(Arctous alpina (L.) Niedenzu var. Japonica, Sorbus matsumurana (Makino) Koehne)
Daisan sekkei upside and only small part turning to red
(Sorbus matsumurana (Makino) Koehne)
Daiyon sekkei upside and only small part turning to red
(Sorbus matsumurana (Makino) Koehne)

Top of Mt.Akadake  only small part turning to red(Arctous alpina (L.) Niedenzu var. Japonica, Sorbus matsumurana (Makino) Koehne)
  • Sorbus matsumurana

Fall foliage report for Mt. Kurodake

About Mt.Kurodake autumn leaves ② and trekking information

*about alpine flowers
It seems flower season is going to end.

Aconitum yamazakii and Solidago virgaurea L. subsp. leiocarpa are still blooming
*about Akaishigawa river
August 27 th it rained. So the flow is fast a little and the water of river increases.
But hikers can walk through.

*about Mt.Hokuchin junction
There is no snow on the trail.

*about Autumn leaves
From the northeast of Mt.Kurodake to Kumondaira
Arctous alpina (L.) Niedenzu var. Japonica is still green.
Some of them turns to red
We need check the weather forecast for autumn leaves.
A few days ago around Mt.Hakuun hut the temperature was 3 ℃ in the early morning.
Today Mt.Kurodake was 6 ℃.
Weather forecast says that from September to December the temperature will be higher than average from September to December the temperature will be higher than average ears.
We are worry how Autumn leaves goes on.

  • Sorbus matsumurana

Fall foliage report for Mt. Kurodake

About Mt.Kurodake autumn leaves ①
From the top of Mt.Kurodake to Mt.Pon kurodake.
Arctous alpina (L.) Niedenzu var. Japonica is turning red day by day.
Their color is deep red and they are spreading.
Some of them turned to black.
But we can see many green leaves.
We think that green leaves will turn to deep red!
These photos are Mt.Kurodake and Mt. Ponkurodake.
Day by day leaves is turning to red , we could not find any big changes since last report.
We found autumn leaves very early but now it seems that leaves turn to red very slowly.
  • Arctous alpinus var. japonica


Internship finished.
From August 7th
Two short term internship people finished their work.