[Miner's Lettuce and Montias: The Genus Montia West of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Line-leaf Montia, Lineleaf Indian Lettuce, Narrowleaf Montia, Narrow-leaf Miner's-lettuce, Narrow-leaved Montia

Montia linearis

Synonym: Claytonia linearis

Line-leaf Montia, Lineleaf Indian Lettuce, Narrowleaf Montia, Narrow-leaf Miner's-lettuce, Narrow-leaved Montia: Montia linearis (Synonym: Claytonia linearis)

Lineleaf montia as seen from vernally moist prairie at Agate Desert Preserve north of Medford, OR.......April 4, 2009.

Line-leaf Montia, Lineleaf Indian Lettuce, Narrowleaf Montia, Narrow-leaf Miner's-lettuce, Narrow-leaved Montia: Montia linearis (Synonym: Claytonia linearis) Montia linearis from Catherine Creek, Major Creek Plateau, Columbia River Gorge, Washington.....March 31, 1991.

Line-leaf montia is a small annual with one to several simple to freely branched, erect stems from 5-20 cm high. The leaves are on the stems. They are alternate, linear, from 2-5 cm long and 0.5-1 mm wide. The white flowers are 5 mm long in a one-sided raceme. The 5 petals are about equal in length to slightly longer than the 2 green sepals, which range from 3-4 mm in length. It may be confused with Montia dichotoma which has sepals to 2 mm in length and is only 2-8 cm tall.


Line-leaf montia is found on seasonally moist, open soils in the lowlands.


Line-leaf montia may be found from southern British California south on both sides of the Cascades to southern California and east to northern Montana and Utah.

Paul Slichter