Oodles of Orchids

With Rudy Gelis
Available any time.

Magical in every step

Orchids are one of the largest families of plants in the world. Ecuador boasts more than 4000 documented species. They are among the first colonizers of openings in the forest and are found in many other unique niches. Macro photography allows us to see details in these attractive flowers which we will explore in the western cloud forests. We will also visit two companies which farm orchids as a business.

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Group max 10 pax

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Rudy Gelis

tour leader

About the leader

Rudy Gelis was awarded a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship in 1997 and began his career studying nesting Andean Condors in Argentina and penguins on the Falkland Islands. He has been a resident of Ecuador for more than 20 years. He is a highly qualified ornithologistand has collaborated in numerous publications, in Ecuador has studied the nests and breeding behavior of Fiery-throated Fruiteaters, Long-wattled Umbrellabirds, the Barred Hawk, and five species of Antpitta, amongst others. His diverse experiences include surveying breeding birds in the U.S. and parrot and macaw use of clay-licks in Peru. Rudy leads birding and natural history tours throughout much of Ecuador. He is the top contributor for Ecuador to the California of Sciences, “Citizen Science; Project Naturalist”. His more than one thousand photographic images of wild orchids of Ecuador is a lifetime achievement and this number grows continually. He is the author of an upcoming book, ‘Walking Mindo: A Guide to Wild Orchids of Town and Farms’, and he helped coordinate “The Global Big Day” (Cornell University and E’Bird) a bird count which in 2015 was won by Ecuador with 431 species in 24 hours.

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