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Flora Emslandia - Plants in Emsland (northwestern Germany)


Adoxa moschatellina, MoschatelAdoxa moschatellina, Moschatel, inflorescenceAdoxa moschatellina, Moschatel, stem leavesAdoxa moschatellina, Moschatel, ground leaves

Habitus, inflorescence, stem and basal leaves of moschatel
(Adoxa moschatellina)


Adoxa moschatellina L.:
Blooming period: March–May
Height: 5–17 cm
Flowers: in heads, bisexual, actinomorphic,
Ø 5–15 mm, Stamens 4–5, Styles: 4–5
Petals: 4–5, greenish, approx. 3 mm long, united at the base into a very short tube
Calyx: 2- to 3-part, grown together with the ovary at the base
Stem leaves: 2, opposite, three-pinnate
Ground leaves:2, double trifoliate

Plant perennial, herbaceous, with a creeping, white, fleshy rhizome which is occupied with scale-like cataphylls.

Stem erect, unbranched, square.

Basal leaves usually double trifoliate, long stalked.

Stem leaves short-stalked, pinnate or ternate fingered. All leaves are pale green above, lighter and slightly shiny underneath.

The usually 5 flowers are arranged in a terminal cube-shaped head.

The upper flower has a 2-part calyx, 4 petals, 4 styles and 4 deeply divided stamens (so they look like 8).

The lateral flowers have a 3-part calyx, 5 petals, 5 styles and 5 stamens that look like 10.

After pollination by flies, the semi-inferior ovary develops ca. 5 berry-like, green, five-seeded stone fruits, which are surrounded by the sepals. At the top of the ovary the stylus persist.

During fruit ripening, the stalk bends downward. The seeds are eaten and dispersed by birds and snails.

Floral formula:
* K(2–3) C(4–5) A4–5 G(3–5) semi-inferior

Deciduous and mixed forests, forest edges, thickets, swamp forests, alluvial forests. Grows preferential on easily shaded locations and on slightly humid and very nutritious soils.

Temperate zones of the northern hemisphere.