Tire Track Eel (Mastacembelus armatus)

Tire Track Eel (Mastacembelus armatus) is a group of spineless eel (finned bone) the original found in India, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia. Type of eel is widely available as ornamental fish in the hobbies. Besides being ornamental fish, fish is also known as fish consumption in the country of origin. Tire track eel has many other names like Zig zag eel, spiny eel, White and Leopard spotted eel eel. But like other freshwater eel, tire track eel is not a true eel. They are actually a freshwater fish that have elongated bodies and looks very similar to a true eel.

Tire track eel has no pelvic fins, a long body and dorsal fins are full of bones. The length of these fish can reach about 91 cm in their natural habitat, but usually only 51 cm long fish if maintained. Anal fin and extends back to the base of the tail. Back dark brown while the head tends to silvery brown. The body of this fish faded brown and lighter on the belly. In the body also has a pattern of dark brown netting. In addition, the body also has one to three lines zig zag lungotudinal a darker, which are connected to form a clear pattern.

Kingdom     : Animalia
phylum        : Chordata
Class           ; Actinopterygii
order           : Synbranchiformes
Family         : Mastacembelidae
genus           : Mastacembelus
species        : Mastacembelus armatus
Tire track eel fish are nocturnal and can live well in a variety of habitats such as rivers highlands, lowlands, swamps and rocky rivers, sand or full of plants. Treatment in the aquarium requires ample space about 570 liters or more. Several stone and many plants are needed in the tank to hide, some hobbies success using a flexible piece of plastic pipe as a hiding place fish.
Tire track eel tend to be carnivorous. In the wild, these fish eat crustaceans, worms and a variety of small fish. In the tank, the fish can be frozen foods such as blood worms, glass worms, krill and daphnia. Earthworms live was the most preferred. Smaller fish are not suitable as tankmates Tire track eel because the fish will be eaten. Suitable tankmates cichlid is such a minimal size and other large fish that are growing. Mixing fish with a kind of fish is not recommended because this fish becomes aggressive when mixed with other fish in a single family.

Tire track eel males and females can be distinguished only in adulthood. Female fish have more body fat than males. Although they have a high fertility in the wild, but more information on the breeding success of the tank has not been reported. This is probably caused by the fish that can not be collected in groups where males and females meet. Although it is not known what could make them lay eggs, but with the rainy season emulates the tank, it will likely trigger fish breeding behavior. Eggs will be collected on the floating plants. Eggs are lengekt and will hatch after 3-4 days. Puppies will fish can swim after a few days and they can be given food nauplii. Tire track eel (Mastacembelus armatus) are very similar to fish Mastacembelus vavus). The difference is the size Mastacembelus smaller at around 28 inches. . 


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