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Genus: Linaria

Linaria Species in
Family: Scrophulariaceae

About 100 species of annuals and perennials from the northern temperate zone, especially in the Mediterranean region. They may be erect to decumbent, forming clumps, tufts or mounds of narrow, entire leaves and racemes of tubular flowers much like those of snapdragon (Antirrhinum) but with a basal nectary spur. Also, like the snapdragon, there is a raised palate in the centre of each lower lip which closes the mouth of the flower to all but insects strong enough to push in and effect pollination. Mainly summer blooming.


All the small species described here are worth trying on the rock garden, raised bed or scree, the less hardy ones in the alpine house. They are inclined to be short lived but can easily be propagated. A sunny site and well drained soil is necessary. Most species thrive in chalky or limey soils. Propagation by root cuttings in late winter, seed and division in spring, and basal cuttings late spring to early autumn.

Previous Genus: Linanthus
Next Genus: Linnaea