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Haworthia bayeri - Schoemanshoek

An attractive form of Haworthia bayeri. It also maybe the most westerly distribution known. (Excluding a H bayeri-indigoa-maraisii form from Saffraansrivier)

Pictures kindly supplied by Gerhard Marx.

Plants generally have nice markings.

Tridentea gemmiflora

Strumaria truncata

A plant given to me by Alan Horstmann.

Ex Alan Horstmann

Ex Kamieskroon Lita Cole. Flowers appear to be a tiny bit smaller at this locality.

Haworthia bayeri - South of Dysselsdorp

Photographed in habitat.

There exist arguments that this plant should be regarded as Haworthia laeta, Haworthia hayashii,
Haworthia truteriorum affinity etc. Mention has been made that the flowers appear in January, but I have  found them flowering in spring in habitat a similar time then H bayeri or H laeta.

Haworthia hayashii - Near Chandeliers


Haworthia hayashii near Chandeliers.

Mostly partly buried under bushes.

Brunsvigia herrei

Originally from Steinkopf.

Albuca concordiana

A plant at Leopoort April 2019.

Albuca concordiana occurs over large parts of South Africa including Namibia.

It is a winter grower and flowers in late spring when the leaves are withering away.


Apodolirion lanceolatum (Gethyllis lanceolata)

Leaves and fruit

Gethyllis spiralis - Keurkloof south west of Oudtshoorn

Widespread throughout a reserve but usually very uncommon. It grows in semi-fynbos vegetation. 

It flowers late November to early December.

Fruiting in April.

Flowering south of Oudtshoorn early December.


Seed mm increments.