Wednesday 15 September 2021

Chelone glabra linifolia

Chelone glabra linifolia
An upright perennial with narrow leaves and slightly green-tinged white flowers – very fresh and elegant in the autumn border. 
Chelone glabra linifolia
Any retentive soil in sun or part shade. 

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Berberis calliantha

Berberis calliantha
The spiny edged foliage is glossy green above and white underneath and the flowers are lemon yellow – nothing unusual about any of that - except that the leaves and flowers are bigger than any similar species – the leaves up to 2ins long and the flowers an inch across, and all this on a low compact shrub not more than 3ft tall. At the same time this is as hardy and adaptable as any of the more familiar types. 
Berberis calliantha
Many people dismiss Berberis as just a lot of dull scruffy spikey shrubs, too often planted around carparks (and full of litter) but there are quite a few good, interesting species for the more discerning gardener – and calliantha is one.  

Weigela middendorffiana

Weigela middendorffiana
An interesting alternative to the commoner Weigelas in cultivation, having soft yellow flowers in early summer developing orange markings inside. 
Weigela middendorffiana
More compact than the others too at about 6ft x 6ft and may be pruned quite hard after flowering. Any situation except very dry, very wet or very shady.

Silene regia

Silene regia
An amazing tall upright N.American species with big, intense red flowers over a long period. 
Silene regia
Hardy and long-lived

Saruma henryi

Saruma henryi
A peculiar relative of the Asarums in that it has more conventional yellow flowers in spring. The emerging foliage is soft suede and dark tinged and a feature in its own right. 
Saruma henryi
The mature foliage reminds me a bit of Brunnera. An adaptable woodland or border plant.

Salix magnifica

Salix magnifica
Originally mistaken (out of flower) for a Magnolia - this species has broad lustrous oval hairless leaves and thick stems - completely different to what we normally think of as a willow.
Salix magnifica
This is the female form and the catkins are long and slender. A remarkable shrub for a retentive soil.

Rostrinucula dependens

Rostrinucula dependens
My sources tell me this might actually be R. sinensis, but either way, this is definitely turning out to be one of my favourite plants. The arching habit, elegant 6in blackish sea green foliage and pale bloomy stems and leaf undersides are a feature all summer. 
Rostrinucula dependens
Exquisitely sculpted 3-4 inch pearly white 'catkins' sprout mauve/pink filaments in Autumn. The whole thing has a most unusual pale/dark effect - restrained but very classy and unlike anything else. To 4ft tall. Easy in any sunny well-drained site.

Two Primulas

Primula veris x elatior  
Primula elatior hybrid and Allium paradoxum normale
A neat small Primula with short stems, tight foliage, and the yellow flowers have relatively narrow petals in umbels on short stems. 
Primula veris x elatior from Kevin Hughes
Easy and floriferous. From Kevin Hughes.

Primula Lady Greer
Primula Lady Greer
A really very cute old cultivar with neat rounded leaves and umbels of pale yellow flowers. 
Primula Lady Greer
Gradually makes a colony but hasn't seeded about. Easy and long-lived in moist shade.

Alangium platanifolium

Alangium platanifolium
Another collector's item perhaps. This rare small deciduous tree or large shrub is grown both for its striking foliage (something between a plane tree and a tulip tree) and the flowers, which are individually quite small but numerous and very nicely made. They have been described as resembling little white martagon lilies. 
Alangium platanifolium
Hardy but growing and flowering best in a warm spot on any decent soil. 

Monday 13 September 2021

Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis

Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis
A striking tall perennial in the pea family with attractive pinnate leaves and dense heads of violet flowers in summer – like mauve clover heads. The main effect though is in autumn and winter when the russet red stems and bristly seed heads stand over 6ft tall. 
Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis
Completely weather-proof - an excellent feature in the winter border. Very hardy and adaptable.

Euphorbia corollata

Euphorbia corollata
A white flowered Euphorbia - who knew? In this case fairly normal looking bushy spurge plants produce increasingly wide branching sprays of small pure white flowers in summer – more like a Gypsophila or a Linum perhaps. 
Euphorbia corollata
This species originates in Eastern North America so should be completely cold hardy. So far it has been easy and vigorous in a sunny spot. Not invasive.

Friday 10 September 2021

Metaplexis japonica

Metaplexis japonica
Similar to Watakaka (or Dregea) sinensis with similar foliage and flowers, but in this case with pinkish mauve flowers. A hardy herbaceous climber, flowering periodically through the summer. 

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Various Irises

Iris barbatula
Iris barbatula
An exquisite alpine species with neat flowers at the base of narrow upright leaves. The flowers are a rich violet with a white zone toward the centre and a smart orange line along the middle. Very easy to grow here, and perhaps unusually for a Chinese mountain plant, untroubled by the relatively dry conditions or indeed by molluscs.

Iris x fulvala
Iris probably x fulvala
A very vigorous and adaptable but low-growing species that will thrive in ordinary soil or wetland situations in full sun. The large flowers are rich purple marked with a yellow toward the centre. 

Iris prismatica
Iris prismatica
A dellightful small American species, with very fine delicate mauve flowers, marked with darker lines. Best in moist conditions in sun or semi shade but will grow in ordinary soils if not too dry

Iris unguicularis Peloponnese Snow
Iris unguicularis Peloponnese Snow
A deservedly popular form - still in short supply. Smaller than normal unguicularis, the flowers are pure white touched with blue toward the centre. Perfect for dry sunny sites sheltered from the rain

Iris sintenisii
Iris sintenisii
A rarely seen Eastern European species with finely crafted inky violet and white flowers among tussocks of narrow grey upright leaves. Easy and adaptable in sun.

Iris graminea
Iris graminea
Related to sintenisii - another small European species with nicely shaped violet flowers among narrow grassy leaves. The flowers are plum-scented.